Copyright Law: Cases and Materials is a free copyright law textbook designed for a four-credit copyright course, which is what we teach at NYU School of Law. Model syllabi for four-credit and three-credit courses are available in the Faculty Resources section of this website. All faculty teaching copyright law are welcome to access the Faculty Resources, including the faculty discussion forum, by becoming a registered user of the site. To register, write us at or

The textbook is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Under the terms of this license, you are free to copy and redistribute the textbook in part or whole in any format provided that (1) you do so only for non-commercial purposes, and (2) you comply with the attribution principles of the license (credit the authors, and link to the license). Note please that this license does not permit you to make modifications to the textbook or to create derivative works. That said, there are a wide variety of derivatives that we would gladly permit. If you want to make modifications to the textbook, please contact us.

Copyright Law: Cases and Materials has been or is being used in whole or part at the following institutions: